Sunday, 13 November 2016

How I met my Angel - A

The past six months had been the real game changer. This was the toughest part in new habitats. Even my skin got adapted to the immense heat... But why can't I !! That was the question encountered the following nights. I was weak enough to fight those queries; so hid in the dark by switching off the lights.. sealed the tiny cracks in window panes just to escape from the outside world. Afraid to replay all the days behind me, easiest part was to hibernate. Whenever I came up with these stuff, he will accompany me.. kisses me softly on my cheeks and flows down with the flow to make pillow wet. Detangling all the nerves to make sense is not an easy job. The facts and figures on one side and the logistics playing its script on the other. Why do I betray myself every single time just to fit in someone's idea of being me! I wished to bleed on my bed so that the next morning can't be real for me. Probably that's when I started asking myself what my heart actually desires. Sipped my breath to test its humidness and heaviness... That was the first time in the long 25 years, I deluged myself with all the compassion I have !!!!!!!!!